tactics tethers hoopla revelry

HOOPDANCE in guelph



Today's class (MONDAY JULY 5th) is cancelled due to heat and classes will not be resuming until the fall (September)...please check back for jam-dates and fall schedules...cheers!!!

Currently I am running one class a week at
St. George's Church, 99 Woolwhich Street, Downtown Guelph
on MONDAY evenings.


***I've changed the time, though on the flyers and posters it still says 6pm, I will be arriving at the church around 6:45pm and you are welcome to come and warm up or hang out at that time. There seems to be little interest in arriving anytime before that, so I've bumped up the schedule.

Please come around the back doors and knock or ring the bell if they are locked. Some kind soul will let you in!

The class consists of two parts; an open studio jam session and a more structured class. The structured class takes place between 7-8pm. You are welcome anytime after 6:45pm to play and warm up, then stay for the class, and then dance some more (till 9pm)!

JUNE Session includes Monday evenings of June 14, 21, 28 and July 5th. You can drop in to a class anytime for 12$ for any part of the evening, or pre-pay for a whole
4 week session for 40$.
I am now offering a parent/kid deal of 60$ for the 4 weeks for the duo! Come out and spend quality family time having fun!

******this is the LAST SESSION OF THE SUMMER**** I will be organizing a few jam sessions at parks - check here for dates and times in July and August, then regular class resumes in September. I'll post the dates for that as soon as the June Session ends. Thanks!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tactical treats

Sooooo...I've been meaning to do this one for a while. . . here are some links to some tutorials and videos I love by some great hoopers out there....

This guy is AMAZING with the illusion/isolation hoops. Very inspiring...

Here is the tutorial I followed to learn "the vortex". . . fun...

Next week we'll be learning some jump throughs..., and another...

Here is a wonderfully inspiring hooper - I love her style and creativity. There are really so many out there - once you get into watching some of these, it's hard to stop...

Here is the waist to chest (and then to neck) video. This is a great one...

Let me know if there are more you are interested in - seriously you can just go on you tube and type in some kind of description of the trick you want to see and you'll probably find it. Otherwise let me know and I'll seek out some more links!

As most people who've been attending can attest to - the learning happens really quick when you learn right from someone. And even faster if you practice!! Come on out and enjoy some fun with fellow Hoop-dancers!!

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